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Table 2 Quantitative measures

From: CHARM, a gender equity and family planning intervention for men and couples in rural India: protocol for the cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation




age, caste, religion, education, literacy, income, employment, and living conditions

Marital Factors

age at and length of marriage, frequency of sexual activity marital communication

Fertility and FP History

age at first pregnancy, number and timing/wantedness of pregnancies and childbirths, sex of children, current breast feeding, FP history (timing and type of contraceptives used).

Fertility/FP normative beliefs and ideologies

ideal number of children, in total and based on sex (parity, son preference); Attitudes toward contraception, contraceptive knowledge, desire for and intent to use traditional and/or modern contraceptives (by type), and perceived access to all forms of contraception

Sexual risk behaviors

past year sexual infidelity or sex work involvement, condom use in these contexts

Male Gender Equity Norms (only men asked)

15 item scale measured male gender norms related to sexual and reproductive health, sexual relations, violence, domestic responsibilities, and homophobia. Gender-Equitable Men Scale [38] (CHARM Cronbach alpha .72);

Male Partner Violencea (only women asked)

11 items assessed physical and sexual marital violence, ever and in past 12 months. (CHARM Cronbach alphas .82–.92 across subscales)

Acceptability of spousal violence

two scales of 8 and 10 items assessed reasons for acceptability of spousal physical and sexual violence. CHARM Cronbach alpha .82 &. 92, respectively

FP behaviors

item assessed contraception used (e.g., withdrawal, condom, IUD, sterilization, etc.) in the past 3 months. Item assessed discussion of contraceptive use with spouse.

Pregnancy and Pregnancy Intent

data on current pregnancy was obtained via a urine test for human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at baseline and 18 month follow-up. Survey data also captured self-reported pregnancy and whether they want to become pregnant then, later, or not at all.

  1. aItems on spousal violence were only be assessed for women for purposes of her safety in accordance with guidelines for domestic violence research from the World Health Organization [37]