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Table 2 Signs and symptoms of possible severe bacterial infection in the MNH registry

From: Trends in the incidence of possible severe bacterial infection and case fatality rates in rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America, 2010–2013: a multicenter prospective cohort study

WHO YICSS Signs and Symptoms

GN MNH Registry Signs and Symptoms

History of difficulty feeding

Feeding problems; Stopped suckling/feeding

History of convulsions


Movement only when stimulated

Not collected

Respiratory rate of 60 breaths per minute or more

Breathing problems; Difficulty breathing

Severe chest indrawing

Breathing problems; Difficulty breathing

Temperature ≥ 37.5 ° C

High fever (>38 ° C)

Temperature < 35.5 ° C

Hypothermia (< 35 ° C)



• Bleeding/pus-like discharge from umbilicus

• Infection recorded as cause of death

• Text indicating infection, sepsis, possible sepsis, septic conditions, meningitis, pneumonia