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Table 2 Expanded services provided to women who inject drugs at the study sites

From: Developing integrated community-based HIV prevention, harm reduction, and sexual and reproductive health services for women who inject drugs

Service domain

Interventions and services provided during outreach

Interventions and services provided at drop-in centres

Referrals to private and government health and social services

Prevention and treatment of HIV and co-infections.

Condoms, HIV testing, information, communication and education on HIV and sexually transmitted infections.

HIV testing and counselling.

Referral for confirmation and treatment of HIV, and screening of Hepatitis C and Tuberculosis.

Harm reduction.

Clean needle and syringes, alcohol swabs, cotton wool.

Addiction counseling and first aid for violence and overdose.

Referrals for medically assisted therapy with methadone.

Sexual and reproductive health services.

Information on family planning, sister-to-sister counselling, hygiene packages/tampons and oral contraceptive pills.

Pre-natal education, and provision of short-acting reversible contraceptives.

Referral for long-acting long-acting reversible contraception, ante-natal care, and screening for cervical cancer.

Personal, social and child care services.

Transportation to health facilities and provision of personal care items.

Personal care (shower, toothbrush/paste, lotion), short-term shelter, and diapers for children.

Referrals for sexual and physical gender-based violence (GBV) and legal assistance.