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Table 3 Codes, sub-categories and main categories extracted from the data analysis

From: Psychological experiences of women with pregnancy termination due to fetal anomalies: a qualitative study from the perspective of women, their spouses, and healthcare providers in Iran



Main Category

-Unexpected diagnosis of fetal anomalies

Disbelief and denial of fetal anomalies

Emotional reactions coinciding with the diagnosis of fetal anomalies

-Difficult nature of accepting reality

-Unacceptable nature of the reality of fetal anomalies

-Being sad to hear about fetal anomalies

Feeling sad and angry

-Crying a lot

-Getting angry to hear about fetal anomalies

-Losing control

-Feeling unable to resolve the problem

Feeling hopeless, afraid, anxious and depressed

Psychological problems following termination of pregnancy

-Feeling unable to give birth to a healthy child

-Feeling afraid of the re-occurrence of fetal anomalies

-Feeling fearful of relative’ misjudgments

-Feeling unwell and bored

-Feeling apprehension and anxious

-Feeling restless and disinterested in doing everyday tasks

-Feeling the conscience-stricken about being involved in an fetal abnormality

Feeling guilty

-Feeling guilty about the fetal anomalies

-Feeling guilty about interfering with the pregnancy termination and killing the fetus