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Table 3 Results from baseline survey on gender-based violence and family planning outcomes

From: Community views on short birth interval in Northern Uganda: a participatory grounded theory

Socio-demographic characteristics

Results from the survey % (n) or XÌ… (SD, n)

Women interviewed



29.2 (8.4, 255)

Number of children

3.3 (2.1, 248)

Woman’s education above primary

37.8 (249)

Woman did not attend school

4.4 (249)

Household head


68 (255)

 Parents/parents in law

21 (255)


7 (255)


4 (255)

Husband is a farmer or manual worker

77 (255)

Woman or family own agricultural land

83 (255)

More than 2 acres of land

62 (204)

Woman is involved in decisions on land

6 (214)

Women is farmer or manual worker

74 (255)

Woman earns money from agricultural work

97 (231)

Husband is main financial provider at home

57 (255)

Woman contributes as one of the main financial sources at home

29 (255)

Children do not receive external financial support

95 (255)

Woman reported having enough food during the last week

62 (255)

Gender-based violence

Woman experienced any form of mental/verbal abuse at home

36 (254)

Woman experienced physical violence

19 (254)

Child spacing and family planning

Woman thinks it is worthwhile to use contraceptives to avoid/delay pregnancy

87 (254)

Contraceptives currently used


0.4 (255)


18.4 (255)


22.7 (255)


1.2 (255)


1.6 (255)

 Vaginal ring

2 (255)


39.6 (255)

 Not applicable

14.1 (255)

Woman could use contraceptives if she wanted to do so

92 (255)

Factors can affect your decision on spacing children

 Does not trust in contraception

1 (255)

 Fear of side effects

42 (255)

 Male’s partner decision

10 (255)

 Prefer traditional methods

2 (255)

 No reason

116 (255)

 Too young/being at school

10 (255)


9 (255)

Most recent pregnancy outcomes

 The partner provided support during last pregnancy

70 (254)

 Who paid for transportation to health facility

58 (234)


58 (234)


30 (234)


6 (234)

 Volunteer/community member

6 (234)

 Woman did not recognize any danger signs during pregnancy

38 (250)

 Woman did not recognize any danger signs during labour

66 (249)

 Woman did not have antenatal care

2 (256)

 Average number of antenatal care visits

4.4 (1.4, 251)

 Woman did not have blood test

29 (255)

 Woman did not have urine test

54 (255)

 Blurred vision and dizziness

68 (254)

 Repeated headaches

70 (254)

 Delivered in a health facility

90 (250)

Postpartum health outcomes

 Fever within the 6 weeks after delivery

42 (253)

 Foul discharge from vagina within 6 weeks after delivery

21 (252)