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Table 2 Dimensions of patient-centered treatment

From: A conceptual framework for patient-centered fertility treatment





The likelihood that a treatment will result in a desired outcome, which may be broadly understood as achieving parenthood or more narrowly construed as achieving pregnancy and live birth within a particular time-frame

Estimated pregnancy success rates for treatment;

Estimated live birth rates for treatment;

Estimated number of treatment cycles to achieve pregnancy


The physical and emotional workload and responsibility that a treatment requires of patients and their partners as well as “the impact of treatment on patient functioning and well-being”

Pain/discomfort of treatment;

Strain on relationships;

Stress and anxiety associated with treatment


The amount of time involved in treatment; time to achieving parenthood

Time involved in treatments (e.g. appointments);

Estimated time to parenthood for treatment;

Effect of additional elapsed time on future options

Financial Costs

The out-of-pocket cost of a treatment

Price tag of treatment options;

Payment plans/options;

Effect of cost on future options

Potential Risks

The negative outcomes associated with treatment that may or may not actually occur

Maternal risks (e.g. OHSS);

Fetal/infant/child risks (e.g. prematurity);

Multiple gestation/birth

Genetic Parentage

Genetic/biological connection to child

Whether a treatment involves the use of a patient’s and partner’s own gametes, or involves donated genetic material, such as sperm, egg, or embryo