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Table 2 Reported family planning use and modern contraceptive methods used with wives among married men in need of contraception in Afghanistan, 2017 (n = 885)

From: Factors associated with reported modern contraceptive use among married men in Afghanistan


IDP (n = 265)

n (%)

Total (n = 885)

n (%)

Reported current FP use with wife

 Using modern contraception

63 (23.8)

338 (38.2)

 Not using modern contraception

173 (65.3)

465 (52.5)

 No response

29 (10.9)

82 (9.3)

Of those using modern contraception, method(s) useda

(n = 63)

(n = 338)

 Oral contraceptives

26 (41.3)

141 (41.7)

 Male condoms

27 (42.9)

133 (39.3)

 Injectable contraceptives

27 (42.9)

130 (38.5)


6 (9.5)

18 (5.3)

 IUD/ loop

3 (4.8)

11 (3.3)

 Female sterilization


10 (3.0)

 Rhythm method/standard daysb

4 (6.3)

5 (1.5)

 Lactational amenorrhea (LAM)

4 (6.3)

5 (1.5)



3 (0.9)

 Emergency Contraception

1 (1.6)

2 (0.6)

 Male sterilization


1 (0.3)

  1. a Could report multiple methods
  2. b Reported in combination with a modern method