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Table 1 Embase Search Strategy

From: Reproductive health interventions for Inuit youth in the north: a scoping review

inuk* OR inuit* OR (north* adj5 indigenous) OR eskimo* OR inupiat* OR aleut* OR kalaallit* OR “exp eskimo-aleut people”


“sexuality/ or exp sexual behaviour/ or sexual health/ or exp sexual orientation/ or transsexuality” OR “exp sexually transmitted disease” OR “reproductive health” OR “exp pregnancy” OR “exp birth control” OR “exp sexual assault” OR “sexual education” OR sex* OR gender* OR two spirit* OR pregnan* OR reproduct*


“education/ or education program/ or education model/ or exp health education/ or learning environment/ or mentoring/ or “outcome of education”/ or sexual education” OR “health service/ or family service/ or health services research/ or maternal health service/ or public health service/ or school health service” OR “health education/ or breastfeeding education/ or childbirth education/ or health literacy/ or hiv education/ or parenting education/ or patient education/ or school health education” OR “public health campaign/ or social marketing/ or public health message” OR “teaching” OR educat* OR teach* OR learn* OR inform* OR resourc* OR tool* OR program* OR lesson*