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Table 2 Descriptions of variables and measurements for the multilevel logistic regression analysis in the Gamo Zone, southern Ethiopia, 2022

From: Evaluation of a community-based intervention package to improve knowledge of obstetric danger signs, birth preparedness, and institutional delivery care utilization in Arba Minch Zuria District, Ethiopia: a cluster-randomized trial




Dependent variable


Antenatal care

Proportion having received antenatal care during most recent pregnancy

Those attending antenatal care were coded as ‘1,’ ‘0’ otherwise

Institutional birth

Proportion giving birth in a health facility

Those giving birth in a health facility were coded as ‘1,’ ‘0’ otherwise

Postnatal care

Proportion receiving postnatal care after delivery

Those receiving postnatal care were coded as ‘1,’ ‘0’ otherwise

Level 2 (higher level) independent variable

Communal (cluster level) variable

Climatic zone

The usual place of residence

The three common agro-ecological zones: Highland, Midland and Lowland

Level-1 (lower-level) independent variables

Individual level variables

Woman’s age

Age at interview (completed years)

Absolute continuous numbers

Wealth quintiles

Household assets (e.g. home, land and livestock); wealth index was computed using principal component analysis

Wealth status was categorized and ranked from poorest to wealthiest in quintiles


Highest level of education attained

Ordinal variable based on the highest level of education attained (i.e. no formal education, primary education and secondary or higher) categorized into formal school attendance (lowest to highest) or no formal school attendance

Mother’s occupation

Proportion working to earn money in addition to household chores

Occupation categorized as ‘earn money’ or ‘housewife’


Religious background

Each religion was entered and later recoded as ‘Orthodox Christian,’ ‘Protestant’ or ‘Other.’ ‘Other’ included choices they were too sparse for logistic regression

Number of children

Number of children in household

Absolute numbers and letters categorized as ‘1 child’ or ‘ ≥ 2 children ‘

Awareness of danger signs

Proportion that knew the danger signs of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period

Those who successfully listed three danger signs were categorized as ‘good awareness,’ ‘having poor awareness’ otherwise

Awareness of birth preparedness

Proportion that understood birth preparedness

Those who mentioned three of the birth-preparedness components were categorized as ‘good awareness,’ ‘having poor awareness’ otherwise

Practice birth preparedness

Proportion that made prior arrangements for birth and complications

Those who made at least three basic birth preparedness steps were categorized as ‘well prepared,’ ‘less prepared’ otherwise